Category Archives: International

No light went out with Mandela, it continues to shine ever brighter

I have a picture on my mantlepiece showing Nelson Mandela leaving the International Convention Centre in Birmingham during his visit to the UK in 1993. He had just spoken to a packed hall for two hours, without notes, and it seemed as if he was just holding a conversation with us. It certainly didn’t seem like two hours and those present would have willingly stayed another two or more to hear what he had to say to us. As the car left I positioned myself to salute him which he acknowledged with a smile and wave. He made everyone he came across, it seems, feel important, and as we have seen the people of South Africa are celebrating his life which brought them not only freedom but a knowledge of who they are. This feeling of course extends not only across Africa but the whole world.

One of the first to pay a tribute to Mandela in Birmingham was Rev Jesse Jackson. He is no stranger to Birmingham and Handsworth, home to a significant African Caribbean community. When former Councillor Phillip Murphy made a request for Nelson Mandela to come to Handsworth the response was that it would be impossible given his tight and exhausting schedule. When ANC contacts let it be known that such a visit had been requested he insisted on meeting them early that morning.

Tributes to Mandela continue to pour in across the world, including from the Israeli government who continue to uphold their own apartheid regime between Arab and Jew. Palestinian tributes were countered by the Israeli army using their accustomed violence.

Beethoven and Bridgetower

In reading Alexander Thayer’s “Life of Beethoven” on the years 1802-3, the time of the “Eroica” Symphony, I was stopped short by reference to a young violinist selected to take part in performances some of the composer’s compositions.

Thayer writes:

“…..we have sight of Beethoven again in private life
Dr Joh. Th. Held, the famous physician and professor in Prague, then a young man of just the composer’s age (he was born on 11 December 1770) accompanied Count Prichowski on a visit to Vienna. On the evening of 16 April these two gentlemen met Beethoven in the street. He, knowing the Count, invited them to Schuppanzigh’s. ‘where some of his pianoforte sonatas which had been transcribed as string quartets were to be rehearsed’. In his manuscript autobiography Held writes:

‘We met a number of the best musicians gathered together, such as the violinists Krumbholz, Moser (of Berlin), the mulatto Bridgethauer, who in London had been in the service of the then Prince of Wales, also a Herr Schreiber and the 12 year-old Kraft who played second…..’

The ‘Bridgethauer’ mentioned by Held – whose incorrect writing of the name conveys to the German its correct pronunciation – was the American ship captain qho associated much with Beethoven’ mentioned by Schindler.
George August Polgreen Bridgetower – a bright mulatto then twenty-four years old, son of an African father and a German or Polish mother, an applauded public violinist in London at the age of ten years, and long in the service, as musician, of the Prince of Wales, afterwards George IV – was never in America and knew as much probably about a ship and the science of navigation as ordinary shipmasters do of the violin. In 1802 he obtained leave of absence to visit his mother in Dresden and to use the waters of Teplitz and Carlsbad, which leave was prolonged that he might spend a few months in Vienna. His playing in public and private at Dresden had secured him such favourable letters of introduction as gained him a most brilliant reception in the highest musical circles of the Austrian capital, where he arrived a few days before Held met him at Schuppenzigh’s. Beethoven, to whom he was introduced by Prince Lichnowski, readily gave him aid in a public concert. It has an interest on account of Beethoven’s connection with it; for the day of the concert was the date of the completion and performance of the ‘Kreutzer’ Sonata. Ries writes:

‘The famous sonata in A minor, Op. 47. with concertante violin, dedicated to Rudolph Kreutzer in Paris, was originally composed by Beethoven for Bridgetower, an English artist. Here things did not go much better [Ries had referred to the tardiness of the composition of the horn sonata which Beethoven wrote for Punto], although a large part of the first Allegro was ready at an early date. Bridgetower pressed him greatly because the date of of his concert had been set and he wanted to study his part. One morning Beethoven summoned me at half after 4 o’clock and said “Copy the violin part of the first Allegro quickly.” The pianoforte part was noted down only here and there in parts. Bridgetower had to play the marvellously beautiful theme and variations in F from Beethoven’s manuscript at the concert because there was no time to copy it. The final Allegro, however was beautifully written, since it originally belonged to the Sonata in A major (Op. 30)which is dedicated to Czar Alexander. In its place Beethoven, thinking it was too brilliant for the A major Sonata, put the variations which now form the finale’

Bridgetower, when advanced in years, taking with Mr Thirwell about Beethoven, told him that at the time of the Sonata, Op. 47. was composed, he and the composer were constant companions, and that the first copy bore a dedication to him; but before he departed from Vienna they had a quarrel about a girl, and Beethoven then dedicated the work to Rudolph Kreutzer.”

The story of Bridgetower and Beethoven is related elsewhere telling how his playing impressed the composer resulting in the dedication. Because of the quarrel over a woman to whom Beethoven was fond at the time it was re-dedicated to Kreutzer by whose name it became famous. We are told that Kreutzer, himself a famed violinist, had said it was too difficult for him to play and had no liking for Beethoven’s music.

It is thought that Bridgetower’s father may have come from Barbados, the capital of which is Bridgetown. We know that he performed in Paris in the late eighteenth century at a time when another musician whose mother was African and who came to Paris from Guadaloup was well known and active at the time. Joseph Boulogne, Chevalier de St Georges, had influenced Mozart as the initiator of the Sinfonia Concertante form. He was also the intermediary in the commissioning of Haydn’s 6 Paris Symphonies (nos. 82-7) and conducted their first performance. The first the three of these evidently prompted Mozart to give the keys of E flat major, G minor and C major to his last three great symphonies.

Further information

The Untouchable

G4S hit the headlines again, but what does it take to reign in this and other corporate giants which behave like Frankenstein’s monster?

G4S has recently the object of a takeover bid. The offer is from a financial concern. As this article reveals the interest in these concerns is monetary and maximising profit. Single organisations now have interests in a diverse range of activities many targetting hitherto public services. Serco, Capita and others have their fingers in many pies occasionally like G4S attracting disbelief in their activities. This seems to be easily shrugged off and it’s business as usual. Whether the services they deliver are effective as services to us doesn’t matter. They are The Untouchable.

Look at this article on the crisis in benefits. Note the mention of The Untouchable Atos and Capita, profiteering at the expense of the desperate in need of vital support that we once proudly gave. Are they up to the job of making assessments on highly vulnerable people, that is when they have reached the end of the queue, surviving without any visible means of support until they are assessed. So you have to actually have to be deceased before you aren’t declared fit to work? Typically on their web pages they project themselves as ethical, caring enterprises as they without exception continue to operate offshore as they offer advisory services to show others to do the same. Unfortunately those compelled to seek benefit payment are unlikely to benefit from their skills and advice.

Anger at the world of economics inhabited by The Untouchable seems to have reached bastions of elitism as a debate at Cambridge University demonstrates.

The massive Corporations have been allowed to become more powerful than Governments. Clearly Governments and their politicians play a major rile in determining that they thrive and become ever more dominant in running the world. As we learn from Dave Nellist directorships are on hand for MPs and their families from the moment they enter the doors of parliament.The so-called revolving door ensures our elected representatives are comfortable for life with offers of advisory positions in and out of office. In consequence is is highly likely that The Untouchable will not only remain untouched but will continue to benefit from tax payers money to inflate profits in perpetuity. What services do these scoundrels not profit from> Schools, land and equipment are handed over freely, all paid for by us, health service are outsourced, benefits as we have seen and back to the start prisons with G4S (not) in control. Seems it doesn’t matter how bad the service, or lack of it, they gain. We lose. Time to act.


A commentator on Russia Today makes the point that surveillance of Merkel, Hollande among a declared 35 heads of state by the US Security Agency (NSA) and GCHQ is not the scandal, it is the mass surveillance that has been going on in total silence. As has been pointed out doubtless these :talking heads” had no illusions about what is/has been happening and are most likely complicit, Cameron clearly so when struck dumb when it comes to surveillance activities. Interesting that he should regard the Guardian as having “stolen information” when the whole surveillance operation is about just that. The mass surveillance doesn’t operate by targetting areas of proven concern, it is pervasive and affects all of us beyond the predictions of earlier prophetic writings such as Orwell’s 1984. Cameron clearly supports the US rather than European partners.

In the debate it is the whistleblowers who are centre stage with the so-called democratic states calling for them to be handed over to be dropped in the deepest dungeon or strung up from the highest branch, silenced forever. Too late, the horse has bolted. All that they can say to the rest of us is “shut up, or this will happen to you”.

Are we.or should we be grateful to others risking freedom of not life for taking what they are convinced is a matter of principle. How widely among the now fabled 99% for whom they speak is such a view shared or how widely is ignorance and complacency held in place by sycophantic media and corrupt political figures who rather than representing their electors are bought off by the remaining few?

While every thing done by the agencies is said to be essential in the interests of national security the worries expressed by the revelations is that, it is the possibility of being challenged by law that is their main concern and so the utmost secrecy is necessary to avoid detection. Such services traditionally operate under cloaks of protection and seem to assume they are free to operate above law and all that is enshrined in it to protect hard gained rights for all.

Nuclear mushrooms. Kept in the dark and fed on sh… don’t tell

It’s not presumed enemies we need to be fearful of. As those who live in Ukraine or Japan found out to their cost it’s their own nuclear stock which is the danger. These events hit the headlines because the consequences were all too visible with radiation being scattered far and wide across the planet. The drip feed of stories of nuclear incidents both civil and military ought to frighten us all into action. Stop this madness. Presently the world is seemingly in control of those with other ideas of individuals divorced from reality in for short term personal agendas. Individualism, which in particular the American Dream is about and sold to all of us, allows the few to impose their wishes. The truth about actual nuclear near catastrophe has been withheld. Eventually the truth will dawn.
A recent revelation was about a bomb dropping on North Carolina. These weapons, many times more powerful than those seen at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, were routinely flown around. On this occasion something went wrong with the aircraft resulting in the bomb being dropped and only narrowly, we are now told, failing to detonate. Have lessons been learned or is the catastrophe the accident waiting to happen?

Gaza Is a Big Cage Again!!

I don`t know what to say and to whom!! I don`t know what to write and to whom!! Yes I have no rights to speak in this world, but I have the rights to write everything…. I have the rights to express what`s going on in my mind… My pen refused to write and began to cry and moan firstly, but I wiped its tears and persuaded it to write….. He told me that he cannot write because the people refuse to read what`s written about Gaza those days… But I told him ” yes you are right, but there are many great people in this imperious world can support us and can read what we write”… I told him that we can just get the victory by those people who support and stand by us…. finally the innocent pen obeyed me and began to compose his words to show the world the truth of what`s happening in Gaza.
Gaza passed and is passing and I think will pass many dangerous wars and problems from 1948 until the future. The occupation has invaded it until 2005, so in that period the people suffered and sacrificed a lot and a lot. After the militaries had withdrawn its troops from Gaza, many people outside and inside thought that the seizure has finished, but the situations showed the vice versa. Yes they took back from Gaza totally, but they are still controlling and governing it with its people completely.
They closed the boarders and the crossing points between Gaza and them and even between Gaza and Egypt. They began the assassinations policy and killing the innocent children and women, although there were ratified agreements.
The siege on Gaza began and the poverty reached the maximum dangerous line. No one looked at the poor people except Allah (God) and some respectful convoys and supporter delegations from the UK, US and some Arab countries. Those bad dangerous situations forced the people of Gaza to invent something useful for them to get at least their main goods. They made long underground passages between Gaza and Egypt called tunnels.
After inventing the tunnels, many people thought that Gaza became a not besieged city. Yes I can accept their opinions in that time because Gaza became free just for less than four years. But the tragic dangerous unbelievable thing is that when the Egyptians made their second revolution on 31st of June, we thought that the situations will get improved and improved. Gazans thought that there will be a new land port for passing stuffs, and the Rafah crossing point will get opened, but alas, many people shocked of what they saw and felt. They shocked of the dangerous things that happened and are happening those days in this stricken strip. The Egyptians military destroyed about 90% of the tunnels which were the nerves of the life according to Gazans. They closed Rafah crossing point temporarily and they are planning to create a buffer zone between Gaza and Egypt…
If you my reader try to visit Gaza, you will find out the truth clearly. You will find no main food for even the little babies and the poor families. You will find neither cement nor gravels for building. There are about 60000 building workers are now have no salaries and those workers have big families, so let’s say that every worker has about five organs in his family, so the average will be 300000 person has no sources in Gaza. You will find many buildings which were about to be reconstructed after the war, are now empty of workers. If you visit Gaza, you will find no diesel for the transportations. If I want to speak about myself, I cannot get to my university those days because there are no traffics, and even if I find a car or a bus to ride, I must pay a lot, and you can apply that on other university students.
That`s the new life in Gaza. What a harsh new life we live here in Gaza, ahhh!!…. Gaza says to herself because she does not have any friend now to speak with, ” I understand what is going on in our neighbouring Egyptians and I respect what they are doing. They are my families and Egypt is my mother. They cannot be my enemies like what others say, but they must stand by me…They must stand by my nation. My people are suffering of everything. My poor people are dying. They have innocent babies who need food and milk. They have children and women cannot live without eating and drinking. ”and then asks herself,” why they do that with me? Why will they create a buffer zone? That zone just for enemies… Am I an enemy? Am I a terrorist? Am I killer? Am I arrogant? Am I imperious? I`m just an innocent mother wants to let her nation to live in safe and sound with no problems in this holy land…

Done By Mohammad Arafat…
06 September 2013, 09:48:51

A Letter from the death of Sabra Wa Shatela – from Mohammad Arafat, Gaza

– Before I begin my tragic words, I want to tell you that I`m the country of the massacres. I`m the country of tragic situations. I`m the country of blood and martyrs. Do you know me? I`m of course Palestine. I`m the mother of Gaza, Ramallah, Jenin and Nablus. I`m the mother of the occupied Jaffa and Haifa. They belong to me because they are my children. They love me as I love them. I lost a lot of them. I lost Jaffa and Haifa. I lost my oldest daughter Jerusalem. I lost Gaza before it came back to me. I have been suffering a lot since 1948. I bet that other mothers don`t suffer like me. I bet that they don`t lose any of their children like me. They live in love and humanness and I live in nothing. I just live in suffering and torture. I have not lived in happiness or even seen it. I used to meet sadness and sorrow. Did you know why I began introducing my name? I did that because I have many enemies who hate the name of Palestine. I did that to make them avoid me and get off me when I narrate what will be narrated in this article.
– I want to say that I had and still have many massacres occurred by my enemies. They used to kill my nation. They resulted Dier Yaseen and Sabra wa Shatilla massacres. Many of my children have been killed and injured. There were more than 1000 martyr just in those massacres. Of course as usual, other countries did nothing then. They just folded their arms and looked at me and at my innocent children while we were suffering and being killed. They were silent and are still. So will they open their deaf ears and hear their brothers` moaning?
 – At the end of 1982, I met one daughter of mine. She was full of blood and binky bangs. She was still bleeding and suffering of the pain. My daughter was wearing a white coffin. It was also spotted with blood. I did not have fear of that seen. Do you know why? I did not because she is my daughter. She is my beloved daughter…… She told me her story and how she was killed.
-Her name was sabra wa shatela. She is a refugee who was forced to go out Palestine and live in Lebanon. She was so tired and exhausted. She could not stand in front of me to narrate of paining , so she found a broken seat to have……and then she began ” my mum, I’m so tired and I might pass away soon. I hope I can complete my story to you before I die. The militia and the Zionist occupation invaded me at a night of September 1982. My innocent people were sleeping in safe and sound. They were dreaming of the future. They were dreaming of how to get their food and water. They were dreaming of the future of their children, but they did not know their fate…. Accidently, the bombs and missiles began in my camps. The raids and assassinations policy entered the camps. The flame of the fire began to be seen. The shouting and screaming began to be heard and the moaning began to touch the people who have consciences. The families in the camps began to call the deaf people. The children of my families started to cry after the beautiful dreams. The girls and the boys were shouting. Many of eldest sick passed out of the fear, but the young men were brave and steady.
-The militias and the Zionists started their imperious arrogant assault. They had rifles and pistols. They had pockets full of bullets. Many heavy weapons were there. They destroyed the small houses of my families. They burnt them with fire, so the smoke began to go out of them. I then became like a black piece of burnt wood. ”
-” Then the militaries attacked the houses and started killing the innocent people. They killed many families completely from the old man to the little child. They killed pregnant mothers with their babies. They killed old sick men and women who cannot defend themselves. They burnt and killed children who don`t know what was going on or even why they live in that land. They burnt the tents of the refugees. So the final scene of the camp became full of blood and many corpses were spreading on the land”. 
 – My daughter paused her speech and began to cry. I asked her not cry because our luck is this. Allah gave us this and we must respect and accept what Allah does with us. She told me that she have many tragic sad scenes in her mind, so she had to cry in order to get them off her mind…. Then she resumed her speech and completed” my mum, my innocent pure families are now under ground. I know they will get to the precious paradises Inshallah and the murderers will get to the hell ….. My mum, when will other countries think of us and hear our voice? When will they stop the massacres? When will they protect the Al- Aqsa mosque? When will they release our prisoners? Our detainees are suffering in the jails every day. The jailers did not stop torturing them……Will others hear their voice or not yet? When will they free my brothers and sisters? When will they free you my mum? When will they remember that there is a country called Palestine is about to be erased from the map? Will they realize that we live in tragic situations? When will they force the enemies to stop building the settlements? We are their brothers not their enemies. We belong to them as they belong to us.. We are not from the Venus or even the Mars. We are from this earth. Is that believable that they forgot us quickly?…. My mum, I must stop talking and let my brothers and sisters to complete our tragic continuous stories. 
 -That was one of my children called Sabra wa Shatella, she forced to go out Palestine and to live in Lebanon. So why you don`t look at my family?. We don`t need your help because we know who you are. We just need you to pray to Allah to protect and help us. Will you answer my children screaming? I hope yes!!!
One day I will be FREE!!!
Done by Mohammad S Arafat

Jerusalem is still alive – Mohammad Arafat

Sorry my readers.. My pen is still ill of the continuous events that occur in Palestine. He moves from a tragic situation to another that full of sadness. My pen wrote about Gaza, west bank and Jerusalem. He wrote about the 1984 occupied lands. One day he told me something made me angry and depressed. He told me that there are no other pens share him to show the truth of what is going on in Palestine to the world. Then I replied with tears that there are many pens and they write everything about this land, but he said that there are pens without leads or ink… They just imitate to write something about Palestine and its issues, but they don`t write. I then petted him gently and assured him by telling him not to be sad. I wiped his tears, the tears was so hot and made me trembled. I told him that if he moans a lot and stops writing, no one will protect the Palestinian issues. I asked him to be an example of other pens in trying to write something about this holy land. I asked him to try to protect the ignored truth of Palestine. Then my pen understood and hugged me a final hug before he went to his work. He told me that he will write an article about the oldest oppressed daughter of Palestine. He told me that he will write an article about Jerusalem and what is happening in it called JERUSALEM IS STILL ALIVE.
He chose this title in order to remind the people who are sleeping now in deep dreams. His aim is to remind the deaf who say that the old city will die and erased from the map. He chose this title to say without fear that Jerusalem will still as it was and as it is.
My pen began speaking” Jerusalem city is one of the oldest cities of the ancient world. It is also called the old city because it has been established since thousands of years. This old city has witnessed many kingdoms and empires. The first people who lived in this city were in 3000 BC called the Ken`an tribes. They lived there in a safe and secure life. They constructed Palestine and named it with their name” The Land of Ken`an”.
After a period of time, the Persian settled in the holy city in 586 BC and they established their empire. They governed Palestine and its people before the Great Alexander entered it in 232 BC. He failed in governing it, so the chaos filled Palestine. After that and in 636 AD, Jerusalem became under the control of Muslims after they had entered it. Muslims considered it as an important place for them because Allah (God) mentioned it in the Holy Quran. Allah says in El Israa Sura” Glory to( Allah) who did take his servant for a journey by night from the sacred mosque to the farthest mosque, whose precincts we did bless, in order that we show him some of ours signs: for he is the one who hearth and seeth all things”. The prophet Muhammad (PBUH) has made a journey to the seventh sky from this holy place so that why Muslims considered it as a holy place.
After the Muslims have defeated the Romans in El- Yarmouk battle in 636 AD, the Kalif Omar Ben El-Khatab entered the city of Jerusalem and gave the security to its people. He allowed Christians to worship as they want in their churches and live in a safe life without any intervention, but he prevented Jews to live in Jerusalem with the Muslims and Christians.
Then the Umayyads and Abbasids came to Palestine and there was a great leader called Abdulamalik Ben Marwan who has built the Dome of the Rock in 691 AD. They continued their developing in the old city. They built many domes and mosques there for worshiping.
In 969 AD, the Fatimds and Asaljqah have occupied Jerusalem. Their ruling was so harsh with the people so that they destroyed El-Keyamah church and many other places. After that time, the crusaders overcame Jerusalem again from 1099 to 1187. They tortured its people and killed many of them. But the Muslims got their victory when the leader Salah El-deen El-Ayoubi liberated it in Hitin battle. He destroyed what crusaders have built and began to achieve the justice again. Then he spread the Islam religion in every place in Palestine again. He established many institutions and schools. Also he built a great hospital called Pemaristan. He ordered to build the Jerusalem wall to protect the old city from assaults.
After the golden period of Salah El-deen, the Mamluks governed the holy city in 1253. They did not stop developing it and continued what Salah El-Deen began. They reconstructed the Dome of the Rock and built many institutions. They related Jerusalem to Cairo where there government was, after it was related to Damascus. They built many schools like El-Soltaneiah and El-tankaziya schools. In this Mamluks period, Jerusalem became one of the most important places of education, so many students and teachers came to it from many far places to study and teach.
In the 1516, the Ottomans vanquished the Mamluks in mardg Dabeq battle and they assault Jerusalem. They also developed and constructed this city. They built mosques and hospices. The Ottomans stayed in Jerusalem until the First World War in 1917 when the allies occupied Palestine after Ottomans have been rejected from it. The Britain government stayed in Palestine until 1948 when the Jews came to Palestine and established their country on the 5th of may 1948. But Palestine is still Palestine and it will be forever.
Now after my pen had told what he insisted to speak about, he called the honored leaders to save Jerusalem before it dies. He sent me a message from Palestine tells” where are the people who always say that they will protect me and my children? My children are being spoiled by the occupation. They are suffering and torturing. Where are my supporters? Where are my old friends? Did they forget that I and my children were protecting and freeing many countries? Did they forget my efforts with them? Did they forget that they have holy places here in my heart? Did they forget that there is a holy Mosque in the Jerusalem? Did they forget Gaza and Hebron? Did they forget the 1948 occupied lands? Did they forget the mother of mothers? I think yes they forgot everything. They forgot me and my children. They try to remove my name in order not to have headache. They just want us to be murders by the occupation. I know that many people say that I`m wrong and there are many good and supporter people, but I say to them that I don`t need just help, but I need prayers and protection. I love the good people who support and love us. I love the people who pray for us. I also of course love my family”. Finally my pen concluded his article to ask the people to pray for PALESTINE.
An Oppressed pen 
Done by Mohammad Arafat

The Effects of Egyptian Crisis on Gazan People by Mohammad Arafat

No one can deny the he or she does not know Gaza strip and its great people. Gaza strip is located in Palestine (a besieged strip from Palestine) and it has the most populous area around the world. It has about 1.79 million people (26400 people per kilometer).
Gaza is always full of crises and bad situations with dead conditions. It`s affected by any country around it or even far of it. This great strip was living in good conditions before the occupation besieged it. It was besieged in 2006 after the legislative elections. As a result, all the ports were closed from the two sides (Egyptian and Israeli). So Gaza felled of crises and touchable problems from that time. The average of sick people has increased and the diseases have spread. Many poor people have emerged in Gaza and the poverty began to increase gradually, so Gaza was suffering with no answers from the other countries.
In that siege, Gazans did not relinquish and they stayed patient with faith of Allah. They did not lose the mercy of Allah and used to make Salah( Praying) daily and nightly to Allah to get them their main rights of life. They always say that Allah is with them and will never forget them.
All the world know that Gaza has about 97% of literate people full of genius youth, so a bunch of these clever people has invented underground passages between Gaza and Egypt used for importing and exporting the missed goods called ( Gaza tunnels). That news made Gazans happy and proud of their genius clever inventors. This news began to emerge in the other countries. Some of them refused that and the other agreed with the great people of the great strip and became proud of being supporters of Gaza.
Gaza tunnels became the only nerve of life for Gazans. They import what they missed from major and even minor goods. They import petrol for power stations and power generators. They import cement which Gaza lost for four years. They even export some goods. The tragic sarcastic thing is that the tunnels are used for people to travel by. So the tunnels are great way for feeding and serving Gaza and its people.
Of course the nation in Gaza is related directly to Egypt and its people. We all know what happened in Egypt in January of 2011. The Egyptians made a great revolutions called 25th of January revolution. They were protesting daily and nightly until they made the ousted president Mubarak step down. And these days the Egyptians are protesting in order to oust Mohammad Mursi and finally they did. But the problem is now Egypt is divided into two sides, the first one are is Mursi`s supporters and the other is the opposition of Mursi. So All these problems affect Gaza and its fate.
As a result, The tunnels were blocked and even the Rafah crossing point which opened recently. The blocking of tunnels and the crossing point of Rafah resulted many bad situations and problems in Gaza.
1-No Petrol.
2-No Gas.
3-No Cement.
4-No main goods.
* The Effects of Lacking Petrol on Gaza:
Petrol is the column of the industry revolution. It`s used in factories and power stations and even for transportation and boats. And of course Gaza uses it in industry and for vehicles and even for the only station power. The lacking of petrol made many bad conditions in Gaza. It made many cars and vans stop. Most of ambulances and fire trucks have stopped suddenly. Many factories and bakeries stopped of working. The streets in Gaza became empty of vehicles and even of people. Many fishers stayed home because of lacking the petrol for their boats. There are about 3700 fishers has stopped working and they have big families need food daily and they are hundreds of other workers stopped of working those days.
Lacking of petrol resulted many accidents in Gaza like firing homes and choking children of smoking when the families make fire instead of the light of power. Many children have killed of using fire and candles to make lights.
*The Effects of Lacking Gas on Gaza:
Gas is used in many ways and for many usages. No home can stand without gas. The housewife uses it for cooking and boiling water for showering, but in Gaza those days, the housewives sit in their homes without gas. They use the fire for cooking and boiling water. That resulted many fire accidents and killed many families in Gaza recently. Nowadays every home must has fire to cook by and many of them don`t have the wood for fire.
*The Effects of Lacking Cement on Gaza:
Gaza has about more than 40000 building workers. Lacking of cement and its derivatives resulted many problems in Gaza and made those entire workers stay home with no work nor money to feed their families and even their children.
*The Effects of Lacking Main Goods on Gaza:
The tunnels opened in order to get the main goods that lost in Gaza. In the recent events in Egypt and after blocking the tunnels and the ports from the two sides, most of main goods were missed from Gaza and that of course warns of what will happen in Gaza of starvations and poverty.
The tunnels solved about 70% of Gaza requirements. Many of unemployers got new jobs with good salaries and could feed their families easily, but now 95% of those workers have no job to get money by.
So will the world look at Gaza and see what does it need?
Will the Egyptian army open the tunnels again and let the people of Gaza complete their short life on their land safely?
Gaza strip hopes to get answers soon because its people are dying slowly!!!!!


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Forbidden to return (A Real Fairy Tale) from Mohammad Arafat in Gaza

Ahmad and his family were living in Alafola village in Palestine. Their life was full of happiness and relaxation. Ahmad was working in a small farm in harvesting olive trees. He and his family were always visiting their farm in the morning. They were eating and using what they got from their farm like olives and olive oil. Ahmad had few cows and goats that he used to cow and eat their meat. He also had a group of hens with a rooster to get eggs from.
Once, Ahmad heard from his neighbors that the Israelis attacked the neighboring villages and kicked the people out. He was afraid of what he heard and was asking himself” what will we do if they attack ours? I have a big family of six and two small babies”. Ahmad and his wife Mariam could not sleep that night thinking of what they heard.
In a foggy morning, Ahmad heard a massive missile was shot beside his home and suddenly his home shook, so he said that the bomb was just the beginning of the war on their village. He went to his farm to see what happened to the tame animals. In the way to the farm, Ahmad met his friend and started to speak about the bad situations in the village and what happened to Ahmad`s home. Accidently, while they are speaking, a shell was shot by them and his friend got a fragment in his neck. Ahmad was shocked and took his friend to the hospital.
The next morning and after Ahmad went back home from the hospital, he found large groups of Israeli soldiers were around the village. They were warning its people that they would destroy it if they did not leave, so Ahmad noticed many villagers started to emigrate towards the neighboring villages and cities. Firstly, Ahmad did not go out and stayed home with his family, but when the Israeli army attacked them in their home and warned them that they will destroy it, Ahmad and the family left their home and hastened towards Gaza forgetting everything in their home. The family decided to go to Gaza because it`s empty of soldiers as they thought.
On the way to Gaza, the family had neither food nor water to feed even their little children. They forgot everything in their home. They were lucky that it was cold so that they were not too thirsty, but it was a strict situation for the innocent family. Finally the the hard situation forced them to start on their way to Gaza. They were not alone in that time going to Gaza. They were immigrating with many other villagers and citizens from Aka, Jaffa, Ramlah and Haifa. When the family arrived in Gaza after a difficult time of sacrifices, they got a small tent to live in and two dishes of soup with some pieces of bread. Mariam (the wife) distributed the food to all children, but while she was doing that, she began to scream and cry ”Where is my daughter Ayaaaah???” she left her middle daughter Ayah in their home in Alafola. The wife did not stop crying. She said that she is the first responsible for her daughter’s loss, but her husband Ahmad came to her and assured her that he will return to the village and look for the girl. The wife firstly refused and did not let him go. She said” we lost one from the family and we cannot lose another one, please don`t go!!” but in the same time she needs her daughter back to hug and kiss her. In the night, the family went to sleep sadly, but could not sleep. They were thinking of the girl and the home. They were thinking of what happened to him and to their neighbors who lost many of their children there. Finally the wife slept and the husband started his way to return to Alafola to get the daughter.
Ahmad began his strict trip to Alafola. He passed Gaza`s borders and some other blocks hardly to arrive the distention of his home. He thought was about to die of the bullets in that area. Finally he arrived the village and was shocked when he saw his home in a conflagration and about to collapse. He began to scream and cry. He entered the home and suddenly found his daughter passed out through the smoke. He picked her up and threw himself out through the window of the home. The father was so sad about his daughter’s condition and at the same time happy because he found the girl safe and sound.
Ahmad stayed in front of his home for moments thinking of his home how it was and how it is now. He decided to go back to Gaza, but two Israeli soldiers saw him with the unconscious girl . They stopped him and asked him to leave the girl and go out the village. Ahmad refused, but the soldiers warned him that they will kill him with the girl inthe same time, so Ahmad told them” I prefer to die beside my daughter to go to Jannah with each other Inshallah” .You can shot me with my daughter now. The soldiers forced him to leave the girl and then they hit him. One of the soldiers went to the girl and started to swear at her then he killed her and stamped on her face by his boots. The father began to cry and scream for his daughter, so the soldiers carried him out the village and he completed his way to Gaza with a huge mountain of depression. When he arrived Gaza and entered the tent, he and the wife began to cry and wail between their children. They were crying about their home and girl. They were crying about their bad situations. They were crying about what happened to Palestine and its people.
After 20 years of sadness and depression, the family developed their tent to a small home consisting of two small rooms and a bath. The UNRWA helped them in that home and gave them food and water. The children became young and Ahmad with the wife got too old.
One cloudy evening, an Israeli jeep came to Ahmad`s home to arrest his oldest son Mohammad. Ahmad could not force them to leave Mohammad because he was too old, so the son forced away leaving them alone. He had not even a knife to defend himself with. Finally he went to the jail where the soldiers were. They beat him and swore at him on the way to the jail. When they arrived at the jail, the jailers carried Mohammad in and began to torture him and ask him why he was throwing stones at the soldiers, but Ahmad said ”this is our right to defend ourselves and resist you. This is our land and no one can take it from us. We will get the freedom soon Inshallah”.
Mariam was so sad about their bad experiences. She tolerated a lot but was always saying” I lost my home in Alafola, I lost my daughter, I lost my son, but I will not lose my homeland ‘Palestine’. One day we will return.
Story by Mohammad Arafat, Gaza.