Monthly Archives: December 2008

Being Black in Britain still damages your health

Whenever you approach the statutory health services they say how well they are doing in working with the community to tackle seemingly intractable problems in health and wellbeing. The alarming figures for mental health are not going away and if you’re from the black and minority ethnic communities services are not meeting needs by a long way.
In response to this voluntary organisations have set up services. However with the demise of grant giving in favour of commissioning many are struggling and going to the wall. The Government has made enough noise about the need to target this section of the community setting up the Delivering Race Equality agenda. However the report below indicates little is changing.
Commissioning has mushroomed and a new breed of commissioners are legion. They seem typically complacent to justify the position they find themselves in. That is they are handling dwindling resources so their main function is to act as gatekeepers. This effectively ensures that not much can happen to make much difference.
A project was set up in BIrmingham and the West Midlands earlier in the year to address the problem that small organisations have in competing for commissions. Personnel from CSIP commended the proposals but commissioners have declined to meet us to discuss a way forward.

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No Holy Wine this Christmas

Members of a church who attempted to import altar wine from Bethlehem have found that it has been embargoed and labelled as a “security risk”.
I had the same problem when I bought a couple of bottles from a shop in Bethlehem. The security officer at Tel Aviv air port turned the bottles over, shook them and asked endless questions about where they were from and the circumstances in which they were acquired. My friend, who had at least half a dozen bottles, meanwhile walked through without hindrance.
As we know all too well the possession of even water poses a security hazard since liquids combined can form an explosive mix.

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