A mother whose son was killed when the twin towers was hit became a dignified presence on Channel 4 News (11/2/2008). She had only just heard that proceedings were beginning against those held in Guantanamo Bay accused of responsibility for the attack.
The British woman spoke of her grief while at the same time stating that any trial had to be open and “transparent”. Calling for death sentences was not an answer for her, or, she believed, her late son. She identified herself with grieving mothers in Iraq or where ever conflict was causing unnecessary suffering.
The military trials are likely to go on for a very long time, well into the US election period. Their timing appears calculated to ensure that any candidate will have difficulty changing direction in foreign policy and the “war on terror”. It will be very difficult for America to reverse the negative, bullying image it has acquired across the world.
Above all continued digging of the deep hole Bush and his friends have pushed his country in will continue while new generations of people enraged by injustice will look for new ways of attacking western interests. New Labour has identified itself with the cause as much as anyone.
Calls for democracy while practicing anything but are clear calls for others to dismiss such values. American values and British values are written in dollars and pounds. Justice and fairness come way down the scale.