Jeremy Corbyn’s thanks were highlighted in the Morning Star. Just this fact shows how moderate is portrayed as extreme. There was absolutely nothing there that should not be part of mainstream politics today. It appears it is in many people’s beliefs and that has been realised in the result of a democratic election of leader of the Labour Party. A veil of deception has been lifted from our eyes, although media and all those politicians personally benefitting from a corrupt establishment are going to overdrive to maintain the fog.
The first day left Corbyn battling to establish a front bench, difficult in any circumstances, but impossible if some of those nursing defeat had their way. It was achieved with criticism over the inclusion of women. This was surely a denial of all Corbyn was about. Two of the top places, his own and his deputy’s, were already decided in the ballot, leaving the Shadow-Chancellor. Cries of cronyism here. Continuing comment that his supporters were young and needed to grow up. Thus a commentator on radio 4 explained how she had been on demonstrations and shared the excitement. Then she grew up and saw that she had to accept things as they were. Clearly she missed the opportunity to stop and think about the alternatives that exist to austerity because those like George Osborne had said there was none. Labour largely agreed coming up with it’s own watered down version. This in spite of the fact it was the Tory intention all along to dispense with the state and its provision. Ideological and entirely unnecessary. So many see and understand this and its apparent consequences. Fed up with the response of the careerists in politics so many have decided that enough is enough.
Hope across austerity-ridden Europe has been expressed with Podemos in Spain commenting on Corbyn’s victory seeing it as a reaction to the damage neo-liberalism is intensifying glaring inequality on populations. Back home those who didn’t support Corbyn have been thinking it through, moving from “it will never work” to “it certainly won’t if we all say so. If we don’t try we’ll all be blamed.” Moving along from restating her position, Polly Toynbee makes a case for support in order to deal with the rampant and vindictive Tory agenda.