Cllr Paul Tilsley is a proud man as he opens the LIberal Democrat Conference in Birmingham. What there is to be proud of since the Lib Dems gave power to the Tories in 2004, forming an alliance which was echoed nationally after the general election. They call it the “progressive alliance” although what is progressive about slashing and burning jobs and “essential” services escapes me. A huge turn out is expected tomorrow, 19th September, as many who have tasted Tory/Lib-Dem medicine will show their ingratitude.
Today by contrast in Cradley Heath is the annual Women Chain Makers’ Festival which celebrated the centenary of the strike which was effective in raising pay and conditions for workers, a salutary reminder to the likes of Ed Miliband who believes kind talk will do the trick. Against the entrenched interests of the elite? Is he one of them? Many New Blue Labour are, so the voices of working people go unheard. Not tomorrow in Birmingham, in Manchester on 3rd October and, Is suspect nationally. The price of not listening? There will be more urban unrest and protest but whether that worries the “feral elite” remains a big question.
Why is it that when the word “compromise” is mentioned, the skin of our elected idiots starts to sizzle?