Members of the diverse community walk tall in Dudley Road

After the tragic events in Dudley Road in the Winson Green area of Birmingham members of the diverse community came together to share the grief at the loss of three young Moslem men. Dignified throughout Tariq Jahan, father of one of them, stood out as his pleas for calm against calls for revenge were widely reported.
Floral tributes were placed outside the garage, the scene of the incident, and many came to pay their respects. In the afternoon I joined with Alton Burnett and others from the close by Afro-Caribbean Millennium Centre in speaking to Tariq Jahan. Alton spoke eloquently about the need to maintain unity after press reports and rumours spoke of a racial divide. Tensions are there so the outcome rests largely on how sensitively the matter is handled. Tomorrow (Sunday) a peace gathering has been called in Summerfield Park, expected to attract a wide following with once again the world’s media in attendance.
There is a photograph of Alton Burnett carrying a tribute to the Moledena brothers who dies in a fire at their post office in Lozells Road, Birmingham, in 1985. This followed similar unrest. As happens so often following such occurrences you either get the vigilantes, but more often it is members of the community who take over. I have seen it many times when determination is shown that the actions of a few will not be allowed to disrupt the community.

Alton Burnett interview (Sky News)
Al Jazeera
Talking with Tarik Jahan at the shrine in Dudley Road. (France)
Forbes. Presentation of flowers
Daily Herald

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