The main purpose of the Observer lead on Mandelson was to report on him going to war with those opposed to Post Office privatisation. Backed by Brown, to whom “he’s joined at the hip” he’s saying that there is no alternative unless we want to lose a six day delivery and workers’ pensions are at risk. Bail out the (w)ankers but not the workers. Good Socialism Pete mate.
At the end of the article is a bit about how Mandy is issuing a statement to coincide with Harriet Harman’s women’s conference to the effect that equal pay has to be shelved in the light of the economic crisis.
The crisis of Capital is no surprise because it is endemic to the system. It happened before, notably in 1929, and as then the foxes are being brought back into the hen house to sort it out. If not the fox himself, Pete is a Friend of the Fox. As is pointed out he has been brought back into government into an unelected house, the Fox’s Den, to do the maximum damage to workers and women. He of course will continue to wallow in privilege like his fellow New Labour architect, TB, who we suspect is pulling his strings, a role reversal perhaps?