Gaza Convoy Hold up. Widely unreported.

Clearly there are forces at work stopping the reporting of world events. Gaza one year ago had its problems although news stories gradually circulated. However war crimes have gone unchallenged with Minister David Milliband wanting to cahnage the law to prevent the likes of Tzipi Livni answering charges,
Now the convoy taking aid to Gaza one year on has met with resistance mostly at the hands of the Egyptian authorities. The elite world order is well in place with poor and dispossessed left to fight it out, From the Al Jazeera report it looks as if the siege of Gaza has been broken but not without considerable violence occurring at the Gaza border and in demonstrations in Cairo with viscious intervention by the state.

This is the urgent message from the convoy;s leader on 5th January:
This is the text of an official Viva Palestina Press Release on 5 January
“To all friends of Palestine: Our situation is now at a crisis point! Riot has broken out in the port of Al- Arish.
“This late afternoon we were negotiating with a senior official from Cairo who left negotiations some two hours ago and did not return. Our negotiations with the official was regarding taking our aid vehicles into Gaza. He left two hours ago and did not come back. Egyptian authorities called over 2,000 riot police who then moved towards our camp at the port.
“We have now blocked the entrance to the port and we are now faced with riot police and water cannons and are determined to defend our vehicles and aid.The Egyptian authorities have by their stubbornness and hostility towards the convoy, brought us to a crisis point.
“We are now calling upon all friends of Palestine to mount protests in person where possible, but by any means available to Egyptian representatives, consulates and Embassy’s and demand that the convoy are allowed a safe passage into Gaza tomorrow!”
Kevin Ovenden, Viva Palestina Convoy Leader
Message from the beseiged village of Bil’in in the West Bank:
Together, We Will Break The Siege of Gaza!
International Call to Action from the Bilin Popular Committee
Egypt has announced that the Rafah border into Gaza will be closed over the coming weeks to the 1,300 international delegates attempting to march in solidarity with the people of occupied Palestine. A historic march will still take place on the anniversary of Israel’s horrific Cast Lead massacre that killed over 1,400 people one year ago. The powerful and diverse collaboration of international support must now choose its response to this horrific injustice. Will you stand waiting permission at the gates of Gaza? We say that you need not wait; if Egypt will not open their border, then the time for action is now. We encourage and support the escalation of non-violent direct action. It is up to you to take the next steps. It is no surprise that Egypt is not allowing the march to continue, so the natural progression towards a victory over this injustice is creative tactical escalation. If you cannot march on the roads then set up camp and sleep in them instead, fast in solidarity with the people who are dying of starvation, refuse to be stopped by their temporary boundaries. We can look to the lessons, the creativity, and the determination of our sister and brothers from historical resistance movements. We are the voice of the voiceless, the arms of those physically held captive, the eyes of those blinded by hate. There are those of us who resist because we have no choice, we resiist to live. And there are those of us who know that no one is free until we are all free, and we use our bodies and the privilege of out relative freedom to resist oppression in all its forms.
There is no time for words without action. Here in Bil’in, we will be demonstrating in solidarity with Gaza, and all those trying to enter. Do not stop at Rafah to break the siege of Gaza.
Thank you for you continued support,
Iyad Burnat- Head of Popular Commitee in Bilin
co-founder of Friends of Freedom and Justice – Bilin
Mobile- (00972) (0) 547847942
Office- (00972) (2) 2489129
Mobile- (00972) (0) 598403676

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